[Eat Vancouver] Meat & Bread

前一陣子,好朋友報了家好吃的輕食餐廳,雖然是在 Downtown 不過對於貪吃鬼的我來說,有好吃的,當然一定得去瞧瞧。

今天就來介紹一下這家傳聞中的 Meat & Bread。

Ever since my friend told me about this restaurant, I was really tempted to check it out. Even though it’s located all the way in Downtown Vancouver, (Yes, for Richmond people Downtown is like going across boarder). However, to a foodie like me, distance isn’t going to stop me at all.

Let’s check out this “Meat & Bread)

Meat & Bread
這家店座落於溫哥華市中心 West Hasting & Cambie 的街角處。

Located around the corner of West Hasting & Cambie in downtown Vancouver. Getting here might be a little walk or drive, but that’s all worth it once you are here. You can smile it as soon as you are near by. If you can’t not find it, just follow your nose.

Meat & Bread

The moment you entered the door, the smile; the concierge warm welcoming you. The staff are very approachable and nice. You know you are in the right place for “MEAT” & “BREAD”. Look at all the porschetta and meats on the counter.

Porschetta $8,Salad 或者 Soup 這樣的 side dish 要 $4。有些菜色會隨著季節而改變,如果第一次來,我推薦 Porschetta!

Menu is right on the wall. Pricing is very simple, $8 for a main and $4 for a side. You do have a choice of a soup or a salads as your side. Sides will change according to the season. If this is your first time, I definitely recommend trying the “Porschetta”. If you are feeling a little hungry, get a side or two.

這樣的份量,一個人才 $15 左右,很划算。

This is my usual, a porschetta and a soup. They will run you roughly $15. Very good deal for what you are getting.

Meat & Bread 的 Porschetta 。你看看這個豬肉份量,更是不得了。整塊豬肉入烤箱去烤,烤到豬皮都脆脆的香味四溢。Porschetta 上塗上點芥末,特製香料醬,份量非常足夠的豬肉,在搭配上切碎的豬皮來增加口感。他們的烤豬肉,口感上有點像是港式燒臘的燒肉作法,但是多上了一層西洋的香料讓整個香味提升到另外一種不同的境界。

The meat some out reminds me of HK style BBQ pork but with interesting twist. Pork skin are bake to crispy. The meat is tender and juicy(extremely), but not oily. In the meat they have slathered a layer of herbal roman source. A layer of dijon mustard on one side of bread, a layer of that nice herbal roman cause on the other. Few slices of the BBQ pork roughly chopped mix with some of that super crispy pork skin. HOT DAYMN! Just by thinking about it, my mouth is all watery.

除了主打的 Meat & Bread之外,Side 也是不可缺的好味道。像這天我們喝到的就是 bean soup 很爽口,也很搭 porschetta.

The soup really goes will with porschetta. Sometimes they have bean soup, sometimes they have chilli. No matter what they have for the side it seems to match very well with each other. Try it if you like.


A great restaurant cares about deals. Meat & Bread doesn’t use normal china dishes to plate porschetta. Instead they use this wood slate. This is what really make it unique and organic. I love it.


If don’t have time to dine in, they can also wrap it for you and you will get some cute little sticker like this on your wrap.

打從去年十一月知道這家店到目前為止,我差不多每個月都會跑去光顧一趟,因為實在太好吃了。我突然很後悔,晚上沒事幹嘛寫這種東西,光看照片我就已經可以聞到那個香氣,現在肚子很不爭氣的在那咕嚕咕嚕叫。。。。 天啊!這不是逼著我明天早上跑去買來吃嘛!?(恨~)

Ever since I found out about this place last November, I have visited them at least 4 times. I really enjoy the food and the place. Seriously, why do I choice to write about food in the middle of night? Just looking at those pictures makes my mouth watering. Looks like I am going to visit them again tomorrow for lunch.

Meat & Bread
Hours: 11-5 Mon-Sat
Tel: 604.566.9003
Website: http://meatandbread.ca/

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