[Eat Vancouver] Chewies Steam and Oyster Bar

The other day at work, co-workers and I were chatting about food. Then someone brought up southern deep friend chicken & Waffles. Like many people when you first hear of this combination you probably will say, “Are you kidding me!? How can that work?” I too was on the same boat until I tried it many years ago and got hooked on it. The only problem is, there aren’t many places that service this dishes. Until one of my coworker told me about “Chewies”.

Now, I think I just found my new number 1 breakfast place in Vancouver.

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「早安!壞人美食分享」- 我的 Salsa Sause

 話說,不久前,被「寂寞閃閃發光」的那那寫的 – 應該是塔可飯吧!? 去給閃亮到~在她的部落格留言,留下了這一段話。。。

笑話!溫哥華吃不到!?你別忘了,我阿西摩是何許人物,我可是東港沒有名,南港沒名聲的阿西摩啊!開玩笑,我可是「說」了一「嘴」好菜!這種雕蟲小技,難不倒我的啦~ 哇哈哈哈~還有偷偷跟你說,我的 Salsa sauce 作法 

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