2015-03-21 寶島時代盃金卡納春季賽 – 賽後感

昨天,去參加了「2015 寶島時代盃金卡納春季賽」。這是我在 2013 年後最後一次跑 AutoX 之後,相隔一年,再次回到 AutoX/Gymkhana 的賽事!

So I guess all my seat time pays off

很榮幸地能夠在這場比賽當中拿到分組及春季盟主的冠軍寶座,在此我必須先感謝主辦單位「Rally Star」的 鄭秀文先生及黃芷榆小姐。如果沒有他們兩位這三個月來默默的在幕後籌備這樣的活動,今天也就沒有這個比賽可以讓我伸展。所以,再次特別再次感謝兩位的努力及用心。

我還要感謝我親愛的家人,我的老婆能夠體諒我對賽車運動的熱愛,也願意一個人在家裡帶小孩讓我安心的去參加比賽。親愛的,謝謝你!Thank you for your support and understanding. I did it!

那一位常常被我吐槽,三不五時丟問題給他處理的技師 – 武魁的阿銘。如果沒有他這過去半年來幫我處理車子上的任何疑難雜症,還要常常把我從天馬行空的想法裡面拉回現實來的良心建議。我可以很放心的把 Project Smurf 交給他處理,然後這麼安心的去激烈操駕。尤其這次在賽前幫我重新整備好的變速箱真的一整個好打到不行!太讚了!

提到 Project Smurf,當然還要感謝台中的全億和球哥。如果沒有他們當初幫我清關驗車(尤其被 NG 好多次,還要被我三不五時騷擾追驗車進度,真是難為了他們)Project Smurf 也不會出現在台灣的街道上,更別提再次跟我上 AutoX 戰場。當然,還要感謝這幾天各方朋友來的道賀,謝謝你們的支持與鼓勵。

Last, but not the least, The members of VCMC. It was all of you that helped me learn and develop my AutoX skill. Late night last minute car prepping taught me not to mess around with my car in the last minute. Those early cold freaking wet course walk taught me how to analyse the course and find the line. From chatting and “BLOW WATER” with experienced senior drivers such as Uncle Joe, Dirty Uncle Cliff, Roger Tang, Mike Chan, and the EX-presidente Derek Choi…etc, I have learned how to fine tune my suspension, adjust my tire pressure and prepping my car. It’s all of those knowledge and experience that helped me during this event. We did it! We have won the 1st Gymkhana event in Taiwan! Yes, VCMC is now a global race events winning club!

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